I have merged in my old blog to this one
I started my first blog in about 2005, I think. That is now lost. Back in 2014 I started a new one which did not really stay active long because of all the tweeting; I’ve just merged that into here and redirected my main url, http://merecomplexities.com.
I should really sort things out and
- get some sort of https redirection going on from
- make this soemething like
and (https) redirect fromfurloughlog.merecomplexities.com
- make it beautiful
So, the last one isn’t going to happen. I don’t want to pay $300 a year for DNSimple https redirection and I don’t trust the free ones. I guess I may end up with a Digital Ocean droplet that just redirects.
(I do need to get my Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate game sorted out first, though.)